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مقالات المدونة

ما هو افضل علاج للتصبغات الجلدية؟

الكاتب : سحرك | التصنيف : التجميل
أكتوبر 6 2022

اذا كنتى تعانى من مشكلة التصبغات الجلدية، وليس لديك أي فكرة عن أسبابها وكيفية علاجها، اقرئي هذا المقال وتعرفي من خلاله على كل ما يخص التصبغات الجلدية:   ما هي التصبغات الجلدية: التصبغات الجلدية هي من أكثر المشاكل الجلدية المزعجة التي تعاني منها الكثير من ا

قراءه المزيد

Reasons of lips hyperpigmentation

الكاتب : Se7rek | التصنيف : التجميل
أكتوبر 16 2022

Hyperpigmentation of the skin is when a portion of the skin is darker than the other surrounding areas. This occurs due to melanin. Melanin is the pigment that is produced by cells called melanocytes. Melanin gives the skin its color. When the skin produces more melanin, it leads to hyperpigmentation. Why are lips differently colored than regular skin? Our skin is made up of many layers of cells whereas our lips are composed of only three to five layers of cells. This means that we ha

قراءه المزيد

The 5 main types of hyperpigmentation

الكاتب : Se7rek | التصنيف : التجميل
أكتوبر 16 2022

Hyperpigmentation is a broad term that refers to one of the most widespread skin issues: "Discoloration" It refers to patches of skin that become darker than the surrounding areas of skin. It occurs when the skin produces excess melanin that is responsible for giving the skin its color. People with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation, especially with excess sun exposure, as darker skin tones already have a higher melanin content. It can appear as brown, black, gray, red or pink spots or patches.

قراءه المزيد